20,000 views – THANK YOU!!

Posted October 19, 2011 by DiDi in DiDi Misc, Randomness / 7 Comments

OMG!!  I am doing the BOOTIE DANCE all around my office!!!
20,000 VIEWS since this web-site was created July 13, 2011…….

Here’s a little man candy to say THANK YOU!!!!   

Guilty Pleasures just hit 20,000 views. A HUGE THANK YOU to all the authors, followers and viewers  Words cannot describe how much I appreciate you stopping by and for being patient through the name changes.   
Last but not least, THANK YOU to KurvyK and BC for going on this journey with me. Never forget that no matter how far away you are or what path you take, you two are special to me and I LOVE Y’ALL!!

Guilty Pleasures is the final name for this site…there was and is still much to do to finish the conversion, but I’m almost there (I hope).   

Keep checking back because we have a great Holiday Celebration coming up!


WE LOVE WHEN YOU LEAVE COMMENTS…To leave a comment click on comments a page will pop up for you to leave your comment. Thank you!!

Posted October 19, 2011 by DiDi in DiDi Misc, Randomness / 7 Comments

7 responses to “20,000 views – THANK YOU!!

  1. In my quest to getting back to normal, I check the site, and what is the first thing I see, 20k views. This is just FANTASTIC!!
    Thanks to everyone and especially you D for all of your hard work!!


  2. OH, I’ll be jumping back on the the merry-go-round soon. I wouldn’t want to miss out on any more of the fun.

    Thanks for the well-wishes! I can’t wait to be reading, reviewing, and discussing books again. 🙂

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